Created for the story "Not This Cabeza" by John M. Bennet. Drawn in Adobe Illustrator, then ran through a painting effects filter…
Created for the story "Casino" by Susan Tepper. Drawn in Adobe Illustrator, then ran through a painting effects filter in Photosho…
Created for the story "There's No Place Like Home" by Robert Vaughan. Drawn in Adobe Illustrator, then ran through a painting effe…
Created for the story "The Photographer" by Susan Tepper. Drawn in Adobe Illustrator, then ran through a painting effects filter i…
Created for the story "A Map of Reality" by MaryAnne Kolton. Drawn in Adobe Illustrator, composited with a stock photo of a compas…
Created for the story "The Riverboat" by Fred Slotnik. Assembled from multiple jungle shots I took in Costa Rica, then ran through…
Created for the story "Acceptance" by Darren Cormeir. Assembled from multiple personal photos and ran through a painting effects f…
Created for the story "Hellgate" by David Ackley. Stock photos assembled with personal photos and ran through effects filters in P…